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Oct 08, 2012 | EDOT Staff

Tyler Priest Questions "Pulpit Freedom Sunday"

David Luckenbach
The Rev. David Luckenbach

In the September issue of the Diolog magazine, the Rev. David Luckenbach, rector of Christ Church, Tyler, offered advice on staying above the fray throughout this fall's political discourse.


"I am concerned that, at times, Christians can be caught up in the heat of the rhetoric," he wrote. "I am concerned that the loud volume and cutting sharpness in the culture war can enter the life of the congregation and her members and do harm."


But other faith leaders don't feel the same way. In Tyler, the largest church in town, Green Acres Baptist Church, decided to participate in "Pulpit Freedom Sunday," a movement to defy IRS laws and endorse political candidates and positions, despite the tax-exempt status of the church. 


Local reporter Roger Gray of KETN NBC News took on the subject in the following video, seeking out Luckenbach's sage advice. Click here to see the news report