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Jul 20, 2016

Ubi Director Retires After Two Decades of Service

Clark “Corky” Moore, founding executive director of Ubi Caritas, recently announced his retirement after nearly 20 years of service.


Ubi Caritas is a healing ministry of the Episcopal Church, well known by the underserved population and a strong anchor non-profit in the Beaumont community. Under Moore’s guidance, Ubi Caritas has provided access to care, health education and support medical services to low income families since 1997.


Calling his participation in Ubi “a privilege” Moore recalled a blessing the clinic received early on. “The staff had gathered to pray before opening the door for patients and a little lady tapped at the door, asking to join us. She explained she was a ‘prophetess’ at her church and she volunteered to bless the clinic. While the bishop had blessed the building when we opened, we agreed, because you can’t have too many blessings,” he said. “Ms. Duncan blessed the clinic, the thresholds of every doorway, each of us and blessed the nursing staff’s hands and then she prayed for our ministry of healing. To this day, after almost 20 years, I recall the blessing of one of our first patients and how she taught all of us in that moment to be with our neighbors,” Moore added.


The year that Ubi Caritas opened, the staff saw 652 patients and provided $40,000 in charity care. Over the last 18 years, the clinic has had more than 212,000 patient encounters and provided $8,000,000 in charity care. Today, Ubi makes a difference in the community through programs of health for adults, children and families, diabetic education and community partnerships, continuing to improve the quality of life in Beaumont.


“Clark’s retirement will cap almost two decades of achievement and growth,” said Mike Peyton, executive vice president of Community Bank and president of the Ubi Caritas Board of Directors. “He leaves a tremendous legacy that we are excited to capitalize on as we transition to new leadership,” he added.


Board Chair, the Rt. Rev. C. Andrew Doyle, Bishop of Texas, said Moore’s leadership has been a model for many over his tenure at Ubi Caritas. “The Diocese of Texas is very grateful for Corky’s generosity of spirit and his commitment to serving the people of the Beaumont area,” Bishop Doyle said. ‘He has embodied the gospel message to care for our neighbors in the most concrete way, providing care to those who otherwise would not have access. He has been a beacon of hope and healing throughout his ministry at Ubi Caritas and such dedication will be difficult to replace.”


Moore will retire August 31, 2016. The board named Lauren Rahe, CMPE, CCHW, current Community Health Director as Intern Executive Director. Information about the position can be found at