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Sep 12, 2012 | EDOT Staff

Unabashedly Episcopalian Addresses How to Live the Faith

Taking readers beyond a “proclamation” of faith, Bishop Andy Doyle encourages a faithful “application” of faith in his newly published Unabashedly Episcopalian.

Unabashedly Full Book Cover
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 “It is my hope that, as you turn these pages, you will explore your sacred promises to God and walk your pilgrim journey with greater intention,” writes Bishop Doyle. “More importantly, I hope you will find that God is calling you to serve and minister in the world around you.” Bishop Doyle tells his readers they are “part of a long line of Anglicans who—strengthened by liturgy, sacrament, prayer, and Scripture—take their faith seriously.”


Senior correspondent to the PBS NewsHour, Ray Suarez, an early reader, said, “Andy Doyle reminds us what this corner of God's Church has to offer a suffering world. He has written a love letter to a church.”


Episcopalians newly discovering their church home or long-time members will appreciate Unabashedly Episcopalian on a number of levels. The new book – by the bishop of one of the most mission- and evangelism-minded dioceses in the Episcopal Church – is ideal for new-member, confirmation and group study classes, as well as lifelong Episcopalians. Bishop Doyle has mined the Baptismal Covenant and his own experiences to produce this heartfelt, smart and practical book. It’s an unabashed call for Episcopalians to wake up to the church’s unique gifts and to share that witness in their neighborhoods and out in the world.


Bishop Doyle summarizes his autobiography in six words: “Met Jesus on pilgrimage; still walking.”  He and his wife JoAnne live in Houston with daughters, Caisa and Zoë. Follow him on Twitter at @texasbishop or catch his popular weekly podcast and Bible study blog at


The new book can be ordered through Amazon or or from Cokesbury customer service at 800.672.1789.


Unabashedly Episcopalian

Proclaiming the Good News of the Episcopal Church

C. Andrew Doyle

978-0-8192-2808-6  $15.00  Paper  5.5 x 8.5  144 pgs  September 2012  Morehouse