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Nov 13, 2012

UTO Introduces New Grant Process

[Episcopal Church Office of Public Affairs] The United Thank Offering Board announced a change in the timeline for grant applications for 2013. Grant applications will be accepted only online from Jan. 1, through Feb. 28, 2013.


Known worldwide as UTO, the United Thank Offering grants are awarded for projects that address human needs and help alleviate poverty, both domestically and internationally within Anglican provinces, dioceses, and companion dioceses.


“The UTO board wanted to share the change in the timing, as we have begun to receive inquiries,” noted Barbi Tinder, UTO Board Grant Committee Convener. “The new timeline has been streamlined for better efficiency and review of applications.”


Interested applicants may review the grant criteria and changes online beginning November 1;


Grant applications will be reviewed in March for compliance followed by review by UTO Board members. The UTO Board Granting Session and Board Meeting will be held in May; grant awards and declinations will be announced in June.


Important information for applying for the grants:
- one application may be submitted by each diocese of the Episcopal Church, with diocesan bishop approval;
- one application may be submitted by a U.S. diocese of the Episcopal Church on behalf of an overseas Companion Diocese (the Companion relationship may be formal or informal), with approval by both diocesan bishops;
- one application may be submitted by invited provinces of the Anglican Communion, with approval by the Archbishop or Primate or Provincial Secretary and, if applicable, the diocesan bishop


The United Thank Offering awarded funds are the Ingatherings/funds/contributions received through the Blue Box offerings; offerings of change made by Episcopalians throughout the church. UTO’s tag line is “Our Change Changes Lives.” Grants that focus on changing lives and changes communities receive priority in granting decisions.


For further information: Barbi Tinder, UTO Board Grant Committee Convener, ; Sarita Redd, UTO President, ; or Michelle Jobson, UTO Grant Associate, , 1-800-334-7626, extension 6022.