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Aug 25, 2014

VBS Energizes Hearne Church, Community


After a 25-year hiatus, Vacation Bible School returned to St. Philip’s Episcopal Church in Hearne thanks to neighboring St. Andrew’s in Bryan.


St. Andrew’s exported their successful VBS, trained volunteers and a few kid “starters” the 20 miles to Hearne along with their curriculum and all accompanying decorations. Their team held a Friday evening and Saturday event for the community in Hearne, complete with several meals.


Blessed with great weather, part of the activities were held outdoors where locals could see the activities at St. Philip’s. “Several adults who attended chatted on the lawn and waved at passersby on the busy road where the church is located near downtown,” said Kathleen Phillips of Bryan. Signs were posted prominently to invite local children to attend VBS.


The mobile VBS is part of an effort by St. Andrew’s to help restart the “sister” church of St. Philip’s, a 143-year-old congregation that had declined to just two members. Among the exciting results of VBS is a family of five who plans to join St. Philip’s with the intention of helping it grow, as well as an Episcopalian woman who has lived nearby for five years but “didn’t realize the church was still open.”


The VBS effort has rekindled a spark at St. Philip’s and the small congregation, with assistance from St. Andrew’s, is looking ahead as it welcomes the Hearne community.