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Jan 12, 2015 | Bob Kinney

Veteran Episcopalian activist Ora Houston sworn into Austin City Council

Ora Houston, a long-time active member of St. James’, Austin and the Diocese of Texas, was sworn into the new single-member district Austin City Council in her home church while surrounded by fellow parishioners and friends on January 10.


Travis County Justice of the Peace Judge Yvonne Williams conducted Houston’s formal swearing-in service. Houston––who grew up in segregated Austin in the 1950s and 60s––has twice served as a lay deputy to the Church’s General Convention and is president of Austin’s Myra McDaniel Chapter of the Union of Black Episcopalians.


“We have the ability to realign our hopes, our dreams and ensure that when public policy is crafted we are considering the public good of people throughout this great city,” Houston said during the ceremony.


“As I have said, I'm delighted to represent the 'blended family' that is Austin and District #1. And if you know anything about 'blended families' you know that they don't always agree. Even so they are committed to 'making it work' – everyone stays at the table, because they know how important each person’s input is in conversations about their collective future,” she said.


The Austin City election in November was the birth of Austin’s single-member district form of governance where council members represent specific geographic areas of Austin. Houston represents District 1 in Austin’s East Side where she has lived most of her life. For the first time in Austin history there are now more women on the Council than men (7 to 3) and the group better reflects the city’s racial diversity.