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Jan 23, 2013 | Luke Blount

Video: EDOT Priest's TED Talk Goes Viral

Last Fall, the Rev. Patrick Miller delivered a talk at Houston's TEDx event. TED is a non-profit dedicated to spreading good ideas, most notably through videos on their website, They feature fantastic speakers, often the experts in their field, spreading the good news of their life's work.


TED holds a major conference in California and other smaller conferences around the world called "TEDx" events. The Asia Society of Houston hosted the most recent TEDx Houston event in November 2012, and the Rev. Patrick Miller was asked to share his wisdom gained through his work as a priest and a boxer. See the video below:



Later this year, the Diocese of Texas will be launching a new TED-like video series featuring influential Christian thinkers from across the country entitled "The Logos Project." See below for a preview.


Logos Project Coming Soon from The Episcopal Diocese of Texas on Vimeo.