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Apr 25, 2011

Waco Rector Among Bishop Nominees in Alabama

Chuck TreadwellThe rector of St. Paul’s, Waco, the Rev. William (Chuck) Treadwell is among the four nominees for 11th Bishop of the Diocese of Alabama released today by their Standing Committee. Other nominees include: the Rev. Kenneth L. Chumbley, rector, Christ Church, Springfield, MO; the Rev. Clare Fischer-Davies, rector, St. Martin’s Church, Providence, RI and the Rt. Rev. John McKee Sloan, bishop suffragan, Diocese of Alabama.


A letter of greeting, short biographical sketch and resume for each nominee, and their responses to a set of specific questions, are available on the Diocese of Alabama website at:


The Search Committee delivered its slate of nominees to the Standing Committee earlier this month concluding a year of work. Additional nominations will be accepted by petition until May 6. The election is scheduled for July 16. The 11th Bishop of Alabama will succeed the Rt. Rev. Henry N. Parsley Jr., who is retiring.