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May 17, 2017

West Family’s New Home Rises from the Ashes

Episcopal Support Played a Role
Four years ago, April 17, the face of West changed forever when a fertilizer plant exploded.  We asked and you gave and gave and gave so we want you all to share in the excitement of your investment.

In Crystal’s words, “The West fertilizer plant explosion changed my family's lives forever.  As a family, we always tried to focus on the positive.  We lost 90 percent of our worldly goods, but God blessed us with life and no physical injuries.  Three and half years later, God saw fit to bless us to move into our home.  During the time we saved our insurance money and any donation as little as $5 to rebuild our home,“ she said.

While Crystal and her daughter were dealing with the loss of their home, Mary Wentworth, a member of St. Paul’s, Waco, reached out and brought their story to the church’s outreach committee, which approved the family for assistance.

Donations had been gathered from the Episcopal community in Waco as well as through member churches throughout the Diocese of Texas. “This donation made it possible for us to complete our rebuild.  My children and I moved into our home on my birthday.  I couldn't have asked for a better birthday gift.  May God's grace and mercy continue to be with Ms. Mary, Mrs. Gina, St. Paul's Episcopal Church and the many Episcopal churches that donated to help us.”

At the time of the explosion Crystal worked at McLennan Community College in Waco.  Not a long drive, but a commute none the less.  In the interim she and her daughter, Kindee, moved to an apartment in Waco while trying to rebuild their lives in West. A couple of years ago Crystal went to work at the Methodist Children’s Home where she helps secure safe and fruitful lives for their residents, even at a time when she had no home of her own.

Three and a half years after the explosion, Crystal and her daughter moved into a new house where their old house once stood.  It wasn’t easy, between insurance discussions, West’s uniqueness and every conceivable roadblock they finally have a new home.

 “I can't really put into words how grateful my children and I are for the donation from the many Episcopal churches.  It came at a time when I was about to give up, but God always has a ram in the bush,” Crystal said. 

“The Diocese of Texas is a generous place and Crystal had a great need,” Wentworth said. “Thank you for your help and care in changing one West family’s life forever.”