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Apr 16, 2013 | The Rev. Gill Keyworth

Wildfire Recovery Team Dedicates 60th House, More Help Needed

bastrop calvary parishioner
Dedication of the home built by Christian Aid Ministries
for Calvary parishioner Jimmie Barker (green shirt)
bastrop 60th home

The 60th home completed

Last week I had the pleasure of dedicating the 60th house built by the Bastrop County Long Term Recovery Team (BCLTRT). The team was commissioned in September 2011 by the County Judge, shortly after the devastating fires occurred, to assist uninsured and underinsured low income individuals and families. The fire was the most destructive wildfire in Texas history and 1691 homes were destroyed.


It takes much planning, time and organizing by a group of talented individuals to respond after a disaster. An organization has to be put in place, money raised, plans made concerning advertising for help, case management, etc. These are but a few examples of what occupies the time involved in disaster recovery.


We have come a long way since that beginning and have been very blessed by having many skilled volunteer building teams. MDS (Mennonite Disaster Services) and CAM (Christian Aid Ministries) have had teams here each week rebuilding homes and lives. The Episcopal Diocese of Texas joined with BCLTRT and has contributed to the recovery process. We teamed with the United Methodist SWTX Conference, Presbyterian Church (USA) and the Baptist General Convention of Texas to provide accommodation at Faith Village for groups of volunteer builders. Episcopal Relief and Development has again awarded us a grant for 2013 to help with the rebuilding.


Last summer we welcomed many youth mission trips from around the country at Faith Village and we will do so again this year. Missionpalooza (our diocesan mission trip of 160 youth and sponsors) will be heading to Bastrop once more for a week. Youth and their dedication to work and the fun that they have doing it has made a real impression on local people.


Unfortunately, as with all disasters of this magnitude we are a long way from the goal of rehousing everyone. Anyone who has driven in the area has seen how the burnt trees are falling over. Since the Bastrop Fires, other disasters have  occurred throughout the country and resources are required  for their recovery. There is a limited fund and we have to raise our own rebuild money. 


We continue to have people living in sheds and in very substandard housing and our money is running out to help these people. If you know of individuals whom we may approach for a grant or if your church would be willing to hold a fundraiser for Bastrop County then please email Gill Keyworth at Calvary Episcopal Church, Bastrop or call 512.303.7515.


Click here to volunteer.


- The Rev. Gill Keyworth is the disaster response coordinator for the Diocese of Texas.