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Jan 18, 2011

With Bait Shop Beginnings, St. Luke’s Marks 50 Years

From humble beginnings in a bait house north of Austin, to a dynamic, growing congregation on the south shore of Lake Travis, the story of St. Luke’s on the Lake Episcopal Church is well told in a golden anniversary book, The First Fifty Years.


“This exciting story was written by the faithful members of our congregation,” said the Rev. Mike Wyckoff, the current rector.  Sourced from scrapbooks, records and directories, special publications and contributions from parishioners and former members, the 250-page bound 8x10 book sells for $20.


St. Luke’s was founded by the Rev. Malcolm Riker who planted 11 churches in the Episcopal Diocese of Texas during his long career. Much of the first 20 years of St. Luke’s history came from a history of Riker’s time at St. Luke’s by Martha Smith, How He Priested, the Story of Malcolm P. Riker.


“St. Luke’s was founded by the most missionary and evangelistic minister in the Diocese of Texas. The Rev. Malcolm Riker had a vision and a desire to bring the Christian faith to all people. He had tireless energy,” said the Rev. Roland A. Timberlake, who followed Riker as rector [1982-2002]. “The First Fifty Years is [about] building a congregation from simple beginnings to a healthy, vibrant congregation.  It tells of dedicated Christians spreading the good news about Jesus.”


Timberlake wrote his own 20-year history followed by Wyckoff’s writings of his first six years at St. Luke’s (2004-ongoing).


A year of events throughout 2010 marked the congregation’s celebration, including a special service in December with former members in attendance. The book was compiled and edited by Anne Cole-Steichen, Andy Whitehouse, Carol Fields, Cathy Mandell, Mary Duggan, Sandy Carlman, and Kim and Katy Hall.  To order a copy, call 512.266.2455 or email the church office at  An optional DVD, The Early Years, a videotaped chronology of the construction of St. Luke’s, including worship at the bait house is also available for $1.50.