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Feb 28, 2012 | Luke Blount

Young Adults Repair Home, Celebrate at Brewery

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Volunteers Sam and Lynn work on siding 

On February 25, the Cathedral Urban Service Experience (CUSE) hosted a Young Adult Day of Service, organizing a home improvement project in Houston’s Third Ward and an evening of fun at Houston’s brand new Buffalo Bayou Brewery.


"I feel strongly about the power of people working together to get something done that will help our neighbors out," said CUSE director Nikki Blount. "Houston is a city of young people and compassionate people, and its great when we can combine meeting new people and helping each other out."


Volunteers met at Christ Church Cathedral at 8 a.m. and drove to Generation One, a non-profit dedicated to “the spiritual growth and physical rebuilding of the impoverished areas of the Third Ward.” The group worked to paint and replace the siding of a home with the help of volunteers from Faithbridge Methodist, Houston.


"We were able to get a lot of quality work completed between our group and the other group on site," said CUSE volunteer Daniel Fahlenkamp. "Everybody contributed and worked well together."


The young adults packed up after they had scraped and painted the entire home and installed almost all of the siding. When they arrived at Buffalo Bayou Brewery, the group was treated with pizza, beer and a detailed overview of the brewing process from the founder, Rassul Zarinfar, and the resident brew-master, Ryan Robertson.


"I was very impressed with the owner of the brewery," Fahlenkamp said. "He was very welcoming and excited to share his story. He and his brew-master did a good job describing the two beers we were provided."


Buffalo Bayou Brewing Co. only recently began selling their beer, and the Young Adult Day of Service group was one of the first to tour the new building. The brewery is currently not open to the public.


"The brewery was really great," Blount said. "I hope they do events like that more often. We all had a really good time and the staff was very friendly...And the beer was excellent! I think we definitely will do something like this again."


The Cathedral Urban Service Experience organizes service trips in Houston for people of all ages throughout the year. To find out more about them, visit View more photos on the diocesan Facebook.


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Brewmaster Ryan Roberston explains
the brewing process

The group enjoys pizza and beer at
Buffalo Bayou Brewing Co.