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Dec 04, 2012 | Luke Blount

Youth Hear from Bishop Doyle & Donald Miller at Conspire Conference

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Youth from around the Diocese of Texas and even New Mexico gathered at St. Martin's, Houston for the first ever Conspire Conference last weekend. The event took place at St. Martin's brand new youth facility, The Island, a state of the art complex designed to maximize the youth group experience.


The event, organized by St. Martin's Anthony Orona, began Friday night with Green River Ordinance leading worship and Bishop Andy Doyle speaking to more that 200 attendees. 


"I enjoyed the Conspire Conference a great deal," Bishop Doyle said. "It was an awesome gathering of youth and young adults. It was multicultural and exciting to be with an emerging group of young adults. Having heard the message of a loving God and having met my closest friends at such gatherings I was moved by the notion that life-long ministries and friendships were being formed."


On Saturday, the youth broke up into small groups for workshops and gathered back together for two talks from Donald Miller, author of New York Times Bestsellers, Blue Like Jazz and A Million Miles In A Thousand Years.


To view more photos from Conspire, visit our Facebook page.