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The Commission on Black Ministry is an outreach ministry for the clergy and laity to promote awareness and education of racial and cultural concerns, and to allow the opportunity for reconciliation for all people within the Diocese of Texas.

Jesus commands that disciples be made of all nations. “There is no longer Greek and Jew, circumcised and uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave and free; but Christ is all and in all!” (Colossians 3:11)  God’s Kingdom includes “every nation and tribe and language and people.” (Revelation 14:6)  Racism, therefore, is a barrier to Biblical evangelism, obedient discipleship and abundant living. Christ died to reconcile all people to Himself. Our emphasis on racial reconciliation is deeply rooted in the inclusivity of the Kingdom of God. The Diocese of Texas is One Church reconciled by Jesus Christ building the Kingdom of God together.  

The Commission on Black Ministry is an outreach ministry of the Episcopal Diocese of Texas, which promotes awareness, provides education and fosters respect and appreciation for our racial and cultural differences.

Our vision is to celebrate black participation in the programs, ministry and leadership of the Episcopal Church in the Diocese of Texas.  

Contact  the Rev. Glenice Robinson-Como, Chair

Denise Trevino, Diocesan Liaison (Diocesan Missioner for Intercultural Development)

Calendar Events

A History of the African-American Presence is
The Episcopal Diocese of Texas.

 This Far By Faith


To include anecdotal information or archival photos to future editions, please contact the Rev. Glenice Robinson-Como.


Identifies and Fosters Black Leadership


The Bishop Payne Scholarship helps BLACK EPISCOPALIANS pursue advanced degrees at Virginia Theological Seminary. [read more]

The Bishop Payne Scholarship Application