Curriculum archive and overview for all ages
Children’s Curriculum Chart (ages 0-12)
Youth Curriculum Chart (ages 13-18)
Adult Curriculum Chart (18 and over)
Confirmation Curriculum Chart (Youth and adult)
Eucharist Instruction Curriculum
Earth Day Curriculum Lessons and activities exploring our stewardship of God's Creation.
Across the Miles Resources for families and congregations experiencing the separation of military deployment.
Deployment liturgy | Praying Across the Miles - Adults |
Praying Across the Miles - Children | Reading Across the Miles - Parents and children |
The word Advent means “coming.” It is a time to slow down, be quiet and meditate about the real meaning of Christmas. These four weeks before Christmas are a time to prepare our hearts and our lives as we wait for the coming of Jesus. We focus on the promise that God made to his people and how that promise was fulfilled in Jesus.
About the Season of Advent
Advent Conspiracy
Keeping Advent at Home
Christmas Day is one of the seven principal feasts. The Christmas season lasts twelve days, from Christmas Day through January 5. The season includes Christmas Day, the First Sunday after Christmas Day, the Holy Name of Our Lord Jesus Christ, and may include the Second Sunday after Christmas Day. In many parishes, the main liturgical celebrations of Christmas take place on Christmas Eve.
The third season of the church year is Epiphany. The word means making God manifest. It is the church's response to God's Christmas. The primary theme is Baptism, beginning with the Feast of the Baptism of our Lord. A similar idea is reflected
Epiphany Resources
The season begins on Ash Wednesday and ends on the Saturday before Easter (Holy Saturday.) The period of Lent covers 40 days excluding Sundays since every Sunday is a “little Easter.” We are reminded of Jesus’ forty days spent in the wilderness and the temptation by Satan before Jesus began his ministry.
Lent Curriculum
Curriculum Resources
Lent Resources
Easter Day is the annual feast of the resurrection, the Pascha or Christian Passover. Faith in Jesus' resurrection on the Sunday or third day following his crucifixion is at the heart of Christian belief
The Great Fifty Days
Easter Resources
Tips for a Meaningful Easter
Pentecost, which is celebrated on the fiftieth day after Easter, commemorates the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles and other followers of Jesus Christ, as described in the Acts of the Apostles. Christians believe this event represents the birth of the Church. The season after Pentecost begins on the Monday following Pentecost, and continues through most of the summer and autumn.
Pentecost Resources
Fall Curriculum
The Feast Day of Saint Francis of Assisi
Late Pentecost Resources