Development Basics 101
One Size Doesn’t Fit All!
A compilation of the pioneering research of Arlin Rothauge and other congregational development experts on congregational size dynamics and behaviors related to average Sunday attendance. This is a 12 page document with graphs.
12 Marks of Healthy Church Behavior
Research has demonstrated that healthy churches have particular characteristics. This one page list of twelve behaviors is drawn from many sources to provide a framework for an Episcopal church to assess itself.
12 Marks of Healthy Church Behavior Assessment Sheet
This is a tool that any church can use as a starting place for assessment or utilized for ongoing evaluation. It is based on the standard established in the document of the same name.
Identifying the Core Values of a Church
A brief write up of what congregational core values are and corresponding bullet points for ease of understanding.
Mutual Ministry Reviews – Congregations need to periodically ask, “How are we doing?”
A Mutual Ministry Review is a process that reviews the ministry of the laity and clergy working together.
The Theory of Diffusion of Innovation – The Theory of the Diffusion of Innovation – this theory, established through research by Dr. Everett Rodgers in the late 1960’s, has been widely used in studies researching the ability of individuals to accept innovative change. It is important for congregational leaders to understand this theory because it helps explain the proportion of persons in a group who will adapt to changes.
Star Notebook – The Diocese of Texas provides interview skills training for search committees. This training is done by congregational coaches who are deployed through the Iona Center office. The Star Notebook and its contents are the materials utilized in this training.