Guiding Principles and Christian Formation Resources for Missional Communities

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The vision in the Diocese of Texas is for our parishes to become sending churches that equip and send missionaries into the world to seek and serve Christ in all persons. One expression of this is the Missional Community. Based on a conversation with our current Missional Community leaders, we named guiding principles and curated formation resources for each identified principle.

Easily Accessible (such as video, podcast or app)

Nooma videos A series of short films produced by Flannel promoting spiritual reflections on individual life experiences

The Work of the People Films for discovery & transformation available by subscription

Brene Brown TED Talks The Power of Vulnerability and Listening to Shame

ChurchNext Online courses specifically designed to be used in group settings with downloadable discussion questions and synopses at the end of each course

You Version Bible App Free with the ability to highlight and take notes

Our Bible The first LGBT affirming bible app

The Bible for Normal People App Listen instantly on your tablet, phone or browser - no downloads needed

Both Ancient and Contemporary

Book of Common Prayer The short title of a number of related prayer books used across the Anglican Communion

New Zealand Prayer Book A poetic and beautiful version of the Book of Common Prayer that adds a new and deeper meaning to familiar prayers

Iona Abbey Worship Book Reflect the Iona Community's commitment to the belief that worship is all that we are and all that we do, both inside and outside the church

A Great Cloud of Witnesses Each entry includes a biographical narrative of a person highlighting the significance of their life and witness

Transforming Questions Over the course of ten sessions, participants will wrestle with some of the most basic questions of our faith: Who is Jesus? Does God answer prayer?

Sacred Rhythms Explores the practices that spiritual seekers and growing disciples have used throughout history to grow closer to God. Available in many formats

The Book of Joy Join two of the most joyful people on the planet, His Holiness the Dalai Lama and the Archbishop Desmond Tutu, and share their hard-won wisdom of finding enduring happiness and joy in the face of life’s challenges

Disciples Prayer Book Designed as an easy-to-lead resource for groups that includes A Blessing Service, A Vigil Service, A Gathering Service, A Healing Service and A Eucharist


Vibrant Faith’s Visual Faith Project Sets of images that help one explore Scripture and create a connection in our souls that allows us to experience God’s Word in new and transformative ways.

Sharing Faith A set of cards that prompt participants to share stories of their faith journey while providing a welcoming and safe way to engage one another, articulate faith and build relationships.  

God on Tap Keith Anderson’s blog chronicling five years of this weekly pub gathering hosted by Upper Dublin Lutheran Church in Ambler, PA

Civic Engagement and the Restoration of Community A set of ideas and tools by Peter Block designed to restore and reconcile our community by shifting the nature of the public conversation

Both Personal and Collective

Making Manifest Method of reflecting on life experiences and translating them into poetry

Praying in Color An active, visual, and meditative form of intercessory prayer

Music by Heart Includes songs in unison, simple harmony parts, and rounds written to sing unaccompanied and geared to evening and night-time liturgies

Bead by Bead A book that explores the importance of a physical connection to our prayers

Speaking Our Faith A book and accompanying leader’s guide that explores both societal and internal inhibitions to talk about one's faith 

The Painting Table Offers a model for small group and individual reflection in times of tragedy 


Pilgrim  A discipleship curriculum resource that helps inquirers and new Christians explore what it means to travel through life with Christ, designed for those who are inquirers and very new to the faith

Parables With historical and cultural background, and careful scholarly detail, this book helps readers explore their beauty, richness and joy of the stories told by Jesus

A Lay Minister’s Guide to the Book of Common Prayer A step by step guide for the layperson’s use of the BCP

Lesson Plans that Work A curriculum produced by The Episcopal Church using practical approaches that follow the weekly readings used in church 

Leading Small Groups

Communication Guidelines Provides a foundation to uphold the well-being of the community

Mutual Invitation Used to ensure that everyone who wants to share has the opportunity to speak when the group leader gives the instruction to do so

Lectio Divina A method to enable followers of Jesus, with or without a copy of the Bible (or an ability to read it), to receive God's word

Teaching Episcopal Identity

Jesus Was an Episcopalian A full description of the heritage, traditions and liturgy of the Episcopal Church, also available in Spanish, through eccentric anecdotal stories and detailed historical stories

Your Faith, Your Life The everything-you-need to know adult guide to the Episcopal Church that is easy to read but with substance for newcomers, adult formation groups, and lifelong Episcopalians who desire to know more about their church

The Ultimate Quest A humorous introduction to the Episcopal Church (vocabulary, theology and practice) for youth, young adults, seekers and geeks

Walk in Love A comprehensive guide to the Episcopal faith and practice as well as the companion book to the complimentary curriculum, Practicing Our Faith, that is designed to help Christians come to know more fully God in Christ

If you have resources that you would add to this list, email