Episcopal Network for Animal Welfare Offers Resources
Thursday, October 4, is the Feast Day of Francis of Assisi. Saint Francis was an eleventh-century Italian friar who founded the Franciscan Order for men and the Order of Saint Clare for women, and he is also widely known for his love of nature and animals. Because of his dedication and ministry to all living creatures, many congregations hold pet-blessing ceremonies each year on or around October 4, to commemorate St. Francis Day.
The Episcopal Network for Animal Welfare offers a pet-blessing ceremonies in English and Spanish on its website, http://enaw. org/resources.htm.
“Animal blessings are a wonderful reminder that all God’s creatures are worthy of our concern, protection, and prayer,” said the Rev. D. Rebecca Dinovo (Diocese of Missouri), who, along with Sue Grisham (Diocese of Chicago), co-founded the Episcopal Network for Animal Welfare. Dinovo and Grisham have grown this grassroots organization into an international network of Episcopalians and interdenominational members, who, as their website explains, “share the common belief that all God’s creatures deserve basic compassion and humane treatment and ought to be within the scope of the church’s ministry and embrace” (http://enaw.org/who.htm).
“We sense we are called to invite the church to live more deeply into the divine mandate, given at creation, to be good stewards of all God’s creatures,” added Dinovo.
In addition to providing pet-blessing ceremonies, the Episcopal Network for Animal Welfare’s website offers General Convention’s newly authorized Rites and Prayers for the Care of Beloved Animals, as well as other liturgies, sermons, prayers, and resources for animals. For more information about the Episcopal Network for Animal Welfare or to join their e-mail ListServe, visit http://enaw.org/join.htm.