Other Training and Educational Resources

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To be certified for the first time in Safeguarding God’s People: Policies for Safe Ministry and Adults or in Safeguarding God’s Children: Policies for the Protection of Children and Youth, we require individuals to take a live training (in person or on an online platform) with an authorized Safeguarding Trainer (“Trainer”). However, some training areas do not require the help of a Trainer. They can be conducted by other persons or, in some situations, viewed on your own. In order to get credit for these trainings, however, it is necessary to communicate with the Safeguarding Records Administrator (SRA) of your organization so that the SRA can take any steps necessary to register you for the training, deliver any instructions for the training, and make sure that you receive credit when the training is complete. Please see below for more information regarding each training.

Safeguarding in the Workplace - Harassment Prevention Training
All employees and all volunteers who serve in staff positions, must take this training. The SRA of your organization will tell you if this training is required and whether or not there is a particular time and place for you to complete it.

Policy Review Videos for Vestries, Bishop’s Committees, School Boards, etc.
Individuals who serve on decision-making boards are required to take a Safeguarding God’s People (SGP) policy review in the first few months of the first year of each term served. Your organization may offer this training in a group session with discussion, so be sure to follow the instructions on the webpage and any instructions that you receive from the SRA of your organization. This link takes you not only to the required SGP Policy Review Videos, but also to an optional (but recommended) Safeguarding God’s Children Policy (SGC) Review Videos.

Safeguarding Youth Helpers
Youth often help out with programs for younger youth and children. The SGC policies require that Youth Helpers receive age-appropriate training in Safeguarding God’s Children.

Please take advantage of this free curriculum that teaches children and youth how to help to keep themselves safe. The curriculum is offered at two levels, one for K through Grade 4 and one for Grades 5 through 7, and includes videos, lesson plans, and worksheets. Feel free to share this resource with others.