Wellness and Care

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The Wellness and Care Ministry exists to establish and nurture a culture of health, safety, and mutual care within the Episcopal Diocese of Texas. Through specific ministries of Clergy Wellness, Clergy Family Support, Clergy Pastoral Care, Recovery Ministries, Safeguarding and Congregational Wellness Care, we empower one another to develop healthy, safe environments in which to learn, grow, and thrive.



Clergy Wellness

Wellness is a holistic concept, involving all facets of life. Accessing resources to assist in the pursuit of wellness helps us live into the abundant life to which Jesus calls us.




Through the ministries of Safeguarding, The Diocese of Texas provides resources to ensure that every person’s dignity is respected and protected.



Clergy Family Support

Clergy households face unique challenges. Support, encouragement, and resources are available to meet those challenges in healthy, helpful ways.



Recovery Resources

Substance abuse and addiction pervades our culture and impacts individuals, families, and churches in both powerful and subtle ways. Resources, information and support are available.



Clergy Pastoral Care

When parishioners need help with a personal situation or health concern, they call the priest. When priests and their families need care, who do they call?



Congregational Wellness & Care

The health and wellbeing of our church communities is vital to this ministry. These resources help empower congregations to be healthy and nurturing places.