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Stewardship isn’t just about money; it’s about all we do with all the gifts that God has given us

Stewardship Prayer Written for the Diocese of Texas:

Generous and loving God, so draw our hearts to you, so guide our minds, so fill our imaginations, so control our wills, that we may be yours, utterly dedicated to your service.  Use us and all of our resources—each minute of our day, each of our humble gifts and talents, and even our finances, as you will, and always for your glory and for the welfare of your people, in and through and with the power of your Spirit.


Money Stewardship Lunch & Learn Series

1: The Plan

2: The Letter

3: Telling Our Story

4: What's Next?

Download PPT 1

Download PPT 2

Download PPT 3

Download PPT 4

Stewardship Programs and Curricula

The Episcopal Church

The Episcopal Network for Stewardship (TENS)

Our Money Story

Resources offered by the national church

A variety of resources created by Episcopal stewardship leadership

Password:  Jeremiah17:8

Creative and practical resources for money stewardship from Sanctified Art

Good Reads

Episcopal Vital Practices

Giving Patterns of Millennials

Well-curated articles written by forward-thinking leaders in the Episcopal Church

Current research to help diversify your stewardship practices


Generous Giving

Ecumenical Stewardship Center

Resources created by an ecumenical leadership team

Resources based on the most current stewardship research


 Get Involved

Do your goals for stewardship ministry include:

  • Creating a culture change from stewardship as budget funding to disciple making?
  • Generating greater lay involvement?
  • Building clarity around the giving practices of your congregations?

Mission Amplification wants to partner with you!

We have a community of cohorts of lay leaders and clergy who meet in person and electronically to encourage and support one another as they plan and implement unique stewardship missions.

For questions, access to the Zoom cohort link, or more information about stewardship, contact the Rev. Beth Fain, Missioner for Congregational Vitality.