Bishop Doyle Christmas Message
"During this Christmas season, I invite you to make space for the Christ. Look for Christ to be born amidst the most surprising and unexpected of circumstances." - Bishop C. Andrew Doyle
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"During this Christmas season, I invite you to make space for the Christ. Look for Christ to be born amidst the most surprising and unexpected of circumstances." - Bishop C. Andrew Doyle
El Comité de Subvención de Misión Estratégica otorgó tres nuevas subvenciones, la primera bajo la nueva plataforma.
The Strategic Mission Grant Committee awarded three new grants, the first under the new platform.
El Obispo Andy Doyle marca el comienzo del Adviento con un mensaje de esperanza y anticipación.
Bishop Andy Doyle marks the beginning of Advent with a message of hope and anticipation.
Bishop Andy Doyle announced today that he received and accepted the resignation of the Rev. Freda Marie Brown, executive director of St. Vincent’s House, a social service agency of the Episcopal Diocese of Texas in Galveston. Her last day will be December 31, 2017.
The Compass Rose Society’s new endowment will generate income to support the Society’s annual commitment to the Anglican Consultative Council.
Garmon Ashby, faculty at Episcopal High School, was given the honorary title Fellow of the Royal School of Church Music for his contributions to church music at a ceremony at Canterbury Cathedral in October.
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