Bishop Andy Doyle Announces Magill Resignation
Bishop Andy Doyle announced today that he had received and accepted the resignation of the Rev. Beth Magill, Associate Missioner for Congregational Initiatives for the Episcopal Diocese of Texas.
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Bishop Andy Doyle announced today that he had received and accepted the resignation of the Rev. Beth Magill, Associate Missioner for Congregational Initiatives for the Episcopal Diocese of Texas.
Jerusalem Peacebuilders hosted 18 Israeli, Palestinian and American students as part of their Interfaith Citizenship program in Texas.
In response to the aftermath in Charlottesville, Va., a group of Houston-area faith leaders have written the following commentary.
Presiding Bishop Michael Curry and President of the House of Deputies the Rev. Gay Clark Jennings have issued the following letter concerning the Texas “bathroom bill.”
On July 16-21, the Diocese of Texas took 196 youth and adult volunteers from 18 different parishes to help Baton Rouge with their recovery from these historic floods.
Three new church plants, which mark the first of seven envisioned by the end of 2020, will take root in early fall.
The Diocese of Texas has a robust network of college missions with a presence on 17 campuses. Eight additional campuses adjacent to congregations are in discernment this year. Another seven campuses have been identified for our next missions in 2018.
Practice makes perfect, or so we are told. As a child I remember being given spelling words by my teacher and assigned to write each one 20 times. Of course, one misplaced letter would become imprinted in our heads for years and even now we wonder whether it’s “i-e” or “e-i” when we believe we...
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