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Fundaciones se preparan con subsidios con la visión de crecer

Fundaciones se preparan con subsidios con la visión de crecer

Written by Carol E. Barnwell on

El ministerio de la Diócesis de Texas se ha beneficiado de la generosidad y previsión de muchas personas. En 1950, el obispo Clinton Quin fue el primero en buscar fondos para el Hospital Episcopal San Lucas en el Centro Médico de Texas, él fue en busca del petrolero Roy Cullen y le pidió un...

Charlie Hall Sheds Light  on (Non)Disabilities

Charlie Hall Sheds Light on (Non)Disabilities

Written by Carol E. Barnwell on

Charlie Hall runs the company his mother, Rose Ann Hall, founded in Dallas in 1988. Charlie, born without the lower parts of his arms, employs 24 people in his San Miguel de Allende atelier, five of whom also have physical disabilities. The company produces copper items, carved glass products...

Where Faith Meets Education

Where Faith Meets Education

Written by The Rev. Keith Pozzuto on

Chapel services are a foundation of Episcopal identity at Episcopal schools, whether they be preschool or high school. During the school year, students gather regularly to hear from the school chaplain about life and God, struggle and grace, to hear words of encouragement and words of warning.

A Growing Presence on Campus

A Growing Presence on Campus

Written by The Rev. Beth Magill on

The Diocese of Texas has a robust network of college missions with a presence on 17 campuses. Eight additional campuses adjacent to congregations are in discernment this year. Another seven campuses have been identified for our next missions in 2018.

All Day, Every Day, Practice Makes Perfect

All Day, Every Day, Practice Makes Perfect

Written by Fran Barrack on

Practice makes perfect, or so we are told. As a child I remember being given spelling words by my teacher and assigned to write each one 20 times. Of course, one misplaced letter would become imprinted in our heads for years and even now we wonder whether it’s “i-e” or “e-i” when we believe we...

Charlie Hall proporciona luz (sin) discapacidades

Charlie Hall proporciona luz (sin) discapacidades

Written by Carol E. Barnwell on

Charlie Hall dirige la compañía su madre, Rose Ann Hall, fundada en Dallas en 1988. Charlie, nació sin antebrazos, emplea a 24 personas en su taller en San Miguel de Allende, cinco de los cuales también tienen discapacidades físicas. La empresa produce artículos de cobre, productos de vidrio...


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