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Houston Canterbury Distributes 1,100+ Care Packages

Houston Canterbury Distributes 1,100+ Care Packages

Written by The Rev. Charles Graves on

Houston Canterbury has given more than 1,100 care packages to students at University of Houston, Texas Southern University and University of Houston Downtown since December 2020. During the beginning of the semester, midterms and final exams, the college ministry has been teaming up to...

Un ministerio dos en uno crece en Houston

Un ministerio dos en uno crece en Houston

Written by The Rev. Uriel Lopez on

En un mundo cambiante, la Iglesia Misionera necesita liderazgo y confianza. Esto es lo que hemos descubierto al formar San Romero en St. Christopher’s, en Houston, Texas. El elemento que se tiene que estar presente cuando se planta una nueva congregación cristiana es el liderazgo del Espíritu de...

A Two-In-One Ministry Grows In Houston

A Two-In-One Ministry Grows In Houston

Written by The Rev. Uriel Lopez on

In a changing world, the Missionary Church needs leadership and trust. This is what we have found in forming San Romero at St. Christopher’s in Houston, Texas. The one requirement that must be present when planting a new Christian congregation is the leadership of the Spirit of Christ. It is his...

St. Thomas the Apostle Assists with Food Insecurity in March

St. Thomas the Apostle Assists with Food Insecurity in March


March 6, 2021 is the next food distribution opportunity for St Thomas the Apostle Episcopal Church and the Galveston Food Bank. Located at 18300 Upper Bay Rd. in Nassau Bay, St. Thomas will offer their monthly fresh food distribution to neighbors in need throughout Nassau Bay, Webster, and Pasadena.

Plum Grove Church Plant Holds First Spanish Language Service

Plum Grove Church Plant Holds First Spanish Language Service


Plum Grove Church Plant held its first Spanish language service on Sunday, February 7, led by William (Will) Llana. The service took place in a brand new community center, and members of St. Stephen's, Liberty, including their Senior Warden and the County Judge brought liturgical vessels as a...


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