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Bryan Community Takes Next Steps in Racial Reconciliation

Bryan Community Takes Next Steps in Racial Reconciliation


In the Christian tradition, three elements naturally go well together -- scripture, a meal and dialogue. This has worked well in the liturgy of the church for a few thousand years, and it works well for growing closer in relationship and in caring for one another in the community.

La generosidad en el servicio

La generosidad en el servicio

Written by The Rt. Rev. Hector F. Monterroso on

El Adviento es un tiempo de alegría para los cristianos. Esta época se caracteriza por la preparación espiritual en espera del nacimiento de Jesús, pero al mismo tiempo para la segunda venida de Cristo.

Bishop Payne Calls Bush 'Man of Enormous Spiritual Treasure'

Bishop Payne Calls Bush 'Man of Enormous Spiritual Treasure'


Payne quickly arranged the service of thanksgiving that Bush requested on the eve of the 1988 election. The service began at 7:30 a.m. the day after the election and was attended by 200 to 300 people. Afterward, the newly elected president and his wife headed back to Washington from Houston...

Calvary, Richmond Feeds 900 Neighbors

Calvary, Richmond Feeds 900 Neighbors


More than 900 Thanksgiving dinners were prepared and delivered by church members and community volunteers in the Richmond, Rosenberg, Fulshear, Needville, Missouri City and Sugar Land areas last week. The tradition has a long history that the church altered to respond to their neighbors over the...

Taking a Lesson from the Annual Journey to Bethlehem and Egypt

Taking a Lesson from the Annual Journey to Bethlehem and Egypt


The story of a pregnant woman on the road in search of shelter is retold and reenacted every December. It is a journey of exclusion, welcome, and sanctuary. The Latino community reenacts this vividly as “Las Posadas” (the inns), originated in Mexico 400 years ago. A group accompanying Mary and...

Bringing English to Everyone

Bringing English to Everyone


Barbara Foxhall’s first experience as a teacher of English as a second language happened by accident. She joined a committee at St. John the Divine to help a Sundanese refugee family who had recently joined the church. Others snatched up all the available tasks - except teaching the mother to...


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