Bishop Doyle Christmas Message
"During this Christmas season, I invite you to make space for the Christ. Look for Christ to be born amidst the most surprising and unexpected of circumstances." - Bishop C. Andrew Doyle
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"During this Christmas season, I invite you to make space for the Christ. Look for Christ to be born amidst the most surprising and unexpected of circumstances." - Bishop C. Andrew Doyle
Last year's holiday season was melancholy for Amy Tones. In the space of two months, the Bay Area resident lost two close high school friends, and in the midst of all the holiday merriment, their unexpected deaths added a somber tone to her Thanksgiving and Christmas celebrations.
The Strategic Mission Grant Committee awarded three new grants, the first under the new platform.
Bishop Monterroso provided a reflection in English on Posadas, a Hispanic tradition during Advent which involves re-enacting Mary and Joseph’s search for a place of rest in Bethlehem. Sandra Montes taught participants the traditional song used in Posadas in Spanish through call and response...
Bishop Andy Doyle announced today that he received and accepted the resignation of the Rev. Freda Marie Brown, executive director of St. Vincent’s House, a social service agency of the Episcopal Diocese of Texas in Galveston. Her last day will be December 31, 2017.
I grew up in an Episcopal church that was “puro-güero.” It was in Tennessee. No one spoke Spanish. No one had any idea what Advent and Christmas was like in other parts of the world or in other cultures.
It is hard to differentiate the feeding ministry from the work of spiritual enrichment underway at St. Isidore’s Episcopal Church. That difficulty is by design.
The lively and vibrant contemporary jazz service at St. James’, Houston would not be possible without their pianist, John Torres. For seventeen years he has graced members there with his music.
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