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Texas ESC Expands With Recovery Corps

Texas ESC Expands With Recovery Corps

Written by Nick Puccio on

This is an extension of the service our members are doing in Houston and we are excited to see how this work shapes our ESC community. These service opportunities will begin in our 2018-2019 program year, starting in August.

Houston Rector Named New EDOT Chief of Staff

Houston Rector Named New EDOT Chief of Staff

Written by EDOT Staff on

The Rev. Christine Faulstich, rector of Episcopal Church of the Epiphany, Houston, has been named the new chief of staff for the Diocese of Texas, the Bishop’s office announced today. In her new position, Faulstich will support Bishop Andy Doyle’s work, amplifying the vision of the Diocese of...

Future in Sustainability is Camp Allen’s Priority

Future in Sustainability is Camp Allen’s Priority


Camp Allen is home to hundreds of parish, clergy, diocesan youth, vestry, Christian formation, ECW, and DOK retreats and programs annually. Our successful growth has led to a major challenge, however: we are out of room. Summer camps fill by early April, and we turn away hundreds​ children...

Answering God's Call is Vocation of Church and People

Answering God's Call is Vocation of Church and People

Written by EDOT Staff on

"Take action in the power of the Holy Spirit," said the Rt. Rev. Jane Alexander in her sermon at the opening worship for the 169th Annual Diocesan Council, in Waco, February 15. The Bishop of Edmonton challenged delegates and clergy to find the space where they could "hear God's...

St. Michael’s, Austin Calls John Newton as Next Rector

St. Michael’s, Austin Calls John Newton as Next Rector

Written by EDOT Staff on

The Rev. Canon John Newton, Chief of Staff for the Diocese of Texas has accepted a call to become rector of St. Michael’s, Austin, beginning March 1, the Diocese announced today. During his seven-year tenure, Newton served as Canon for Lifelong Christian Formation, then as Chief of Staff...


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