Bishop Doyle on Celebrating Black History Month
Bishop Andy Doyle on celebrating Black History Month.
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Bishop Andy Doyle on celebrating Black History Month.
From the Bishops of the Episcopal Diocese of Texas in response to the statement from the Primates Meeting.
Seafarers’ Ministry is an incredible form of World Mission. Instead of traveling overseas to reach the world with the Gospel, the world comes to us.
Nearly 30 people participated in the Diocese of Texas’ first Discovery Retreat January 15-17 at Camp Allen.
Beginning January 10, Grace, Houston, will host the Magdalene Community, a group that offers a rule of life based on Mary of Magdala, every second Sunday from 4-5:30 p.m.
“What are you doing for others?” MLK’s Challenge is Theme of 2016 Prayer Circle The MLK Unity Prayer Circle, hosted this year by St. Vincent’s House, Galveston, marks the life and ministry of Dr. Martin Luther King, on Monday, January 18, at noon, at 2817 Post Office St., Galveston, TX 77550.
Applications for the 2016 2016 Vera Gang Scott Scholarship program of the Episcopal Church Women of Texas are now being accepted and must be received by the no later than March 31.
Churches across the Diocese of Texas prepare for Advent and Christmas in their own special ways.
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