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Black History Month Remembers African Burial Ground

Written by Commission on Black Ministry on

Around the time of the Revolutionary War, New York City was home to the largest urban community of slaves outside of Charleston, South Carolina. These slaves worked as skilled artisans and craftsmen, associated specifically with shipping, construction and other trades, as well as working as...

163rd Council Approves Bishop Suffragan Election

Written by Carol E. Barnwell on

Clergy and elected representatives of the Diocese of Texas, gathered in Bryan, TX, February 10-11, approved the election of a bishop suffragan scheduled for June 2, 2012. Bishop Griselda Delgado, Bishop of Cuba, was the guest preacher at Friday's opening Eucharist. Bishop C. Andrew Doyle...

Bishop's 2012 Council Presentation

Written by The Rt. Rev. Andy Doyle on

Let me begin by giving thanks for the presence of our bishops: Bishops Payne, Benitez, and High. I am grateful for their leadership and support. I am also grateful for the partnership in this ministry and the friendship that I have with Bishop Harrison. It remains a privilege and joy to do this...

The Founding of Historically Black Episcopal Colleges

Written by Commission on Black Ministry on

In 1865, The Episcopal Church’s General Convention organized the Protestant Episcopal Freedman’s Commission (renamed the Commission of Home Missions to Colored People in 1868), to establish schools in the South that would provide higher education and religious instruction to African Americans...


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