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Sharing Faith Dinners Bring Texas Episcopalians Closer Together

Sharing Faith Dinners Bring Texas Episcopalians Closer Together

Written by Luke Blount, Laura Shaver on

More than 3500 members of churches in the Diocese of Texas and the Diocese of West Texas gathered in homes last Thursday, May 16, to share a meal and share stories of their faith. Episcopalians across Texas came together in groups of eight to 12, and engaged in a faith conversation.

Children's Clothes Bound for S. Malawi

Written by Carol E. Barnwell on

Members of St. Christopher's, League City, have been sewing up a storm to provide dresses and pants for children in Southern Malawi, Africa. The Diocese of Texas is in partnership with the Diocese of S. Malawi, where major floods washed away many of the belongings of villagers last year.

Galveston's Student Center Profiled by TV News

Galveston's Student Center Profiled by TV News

Written by EDOT Staff on

As part of FOX Houston's Faith in Action series, the television station visited the William Temple Center to talk to UTMB students about the free meals and study space offered at Trinity Episcopal in Galveston.   Watch the report below:     Houston weather, traffic, news |...


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