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Houston Church Uses Pottery to Engage Spirituality

Houston Church Uses Pottery to Engage Spirituality

Written by Luke Blount on

At a Lenten Pottery and Spirituality Workshop on Saturday, the Rev. Eric Hungerford encouraged participants to be “co-creators with God.” The event at St. Mark’s Between the Bayous, Houston, was an opportunity for community members to learn pottery and engage on a deeper level of understanding...

St. Andrew's Lenten PhotoFast Brings Focus to Lent

St. Andrew's Lenten PhotoFast Brings Focus to Lent

Written by EDOT Staff on

The congregation of St. Andrew's, Pearland, is using photography and social media to stay focused during Lent. Dubbed a "PhotoFast," church members are asked to take a photo that represents a word of the day and send it in the the rector, the Rev. Jim Liberatore. Then, Liberatore posts...


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