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Junior Ushers Ministry Allows Youth Participation in The Woodlands

Junior Ushers Ministry Allows Youth Participation in The Woodlands

Written by Lynwood P. Randolph on

Trinity Episcopal Church in the Woodlands has found a new way to involve youth in services. The Junior Usher Ministry started in April, 2011 when the rector gave the approval. My past experience as a young person growing up in a church where I served as an usher convinced me that this was a...

The Woodlands Church to Screen 'Plastic Paradise' Documentary

The Woodlands Church to Screen 'Plastic Paradise' Documentary

Written by Megan McCready on

How many plastic bottles have you used in your lifetime? What about plastic bags, gallon jugs or straws? Now imagine that you could never throw them away, but instead had to store them in your house. Many of us would have run out of living space years ago.   Fortunately, we don’t have...

One of the First Female Priests to Speak at Cathedral

One of the First Female Priests to Speak at Cathedral

Written by EDOT Staff on

The Rev. Carter Heyward, Ph.D., will speak at a forum on "Rethinking Christianity in a Multi-Faith World" at Christ Church Cathedral, February 22. The forum will feature a Muslim, Buddhist and Jewish woman's perspective as well.   Heyward is one of the “Philadelphia Eleven” who...


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