Canon Carol Petty Retires from Diocesan Staff
The Rev. Carol Petty, Canon for Wellness and Pastoral Care and Safe Guarding Minister, will retire effective October 1 after serving five years on the diocesan staff.
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The Rev. Carol Petty, Canon for Wellness and Pastoral Care and Safe Guarding Minister, will retire effective October 1 after serving five years on the diocesan staff.
A. Jan Taylor, Ph.D., Director of Choral Music Activities at Prairie View A&M University, and authority on the African-American spiritual, will serve as guest conductor for this year’s Diocese of Texas adult choral festival, October 20 at Christ Church Cathedral, Houston. Linda Patterson...
In his new book,Reclaiming Christianity, Bishop Claude Payne provides a road map to deepen and strengthen personal spiritual life as an anchor for evangelism and growth of the Church.
Jonathan Merritt, noted contributor to The Atlantic, and other national media, will be featured on a live podcast at St. Matthew's, Austin, Sunday, August 26, 2018 at 6:30 p.m.
One such place is our companion diocese of Costa Rica, where, on Sunday, July 14, they will elect a new bishop. The election comes because their previous bishop, The Rt. Rev. Hector Monterosso, became the bishop assistant in the EDOT in 2017 after serving for 14 years in Costa Rica.
Nine new deacons were ordained Saturday, June 23 at the Church of St. John the Divine, Houston in a solemn and celebratory worship service.
Prayer service for separated families set at Texas detention center during General Convention. probono work needed among other options.
Diocesan leaders urge church members to contact elected representatives regarding separation of children from families at the border.
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