Texas A&M Student Chaplain Announces Move
The Rev. Matt Wise, chaplain to Texas A&M Canterbury, has accepted a call to become associate rector at St. Mark's, San Antonio. Much has been accomplished during his three-year tenure.
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The Rev. Matt Wise, chaplain to Texas A&M Canterbury, has accepted a call to become associate rector at St. Mark's, San Antonio. Much has been accomplished during his three-year tenure.
St. Andrew's and The Islamic Center of Pearland have entered into an interfaith partnership of education, hospitality and service.
Whether it’s a colorful silk banner, painted in memory of a loved one, or a marigold-filled altar, replete with sugar skulls and photographs of family members who have died, All Saints and All Souls Day bring an opportunity to remember that death is a transition, not an end to life in the...
The Points of Light Foundation celebrated it's 25th Anniversary in Houston.
Third through fifth graders at St. Thomas the Apostle Episcopal School recently had the pleasure of experiencing St. Thomas’ “right of passage”-‐-‐ going to Camp Allen in Navasota, Texas.
Trinity, Galveston recently received a $1.5 million grant from the Moody Foundation for the restoration and renovation of Eaton Hall.
On the weekend of October 4, churches around the Diocese celebrated St. Francis Day with a Blessing of the Animals event.
Former Newsweek editor Jon Meacham joins interfaith leaders at St. Martin’s on October 18 for a special service “to pray for peace, for unity , for our nation and in the cause of serving others,” according to organizers.
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