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Kids of LaPorte Alum Receives Masters

Kids of LaPorte Alum Receives Masters


Donalyn Allen, a former student at St. John's, LaPorte, after school program, received her masters degree this month. Allen started in the program when she was seven and later returned to help with younger children as a tutor.

The “Mouse” and the “Mouseketeers” Offer Resale with a Mission

The “Mouse” and the “Mouseketeers” Offer Resale with a Mission

Written by Darby Kethan on

[Diolog Magazine] Woodville—“Where in the world did you get that GREAT dress?” The answer may come sheepishly or boldly—“At the Mouse,” St. Paul’s resale shop in Woodville. One story starts a flood of others: the Coach bag, the divine and never worn Trotter shoes, the first edition of a favorite...


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